System Updates:

Recent FAQs

How do I manage privacy concerns when using video conferencing like Zoom?

Apps like Zoom, Webex, and MSTeams can be used, but privacy risks must be disclosed to participants in the consent. For Information, see ‘Video Conferencing and Consent Guideline‘ under ‘Forms and Templates’ tab.

I have just obtained the last signature on my application. Is the application then automatically submitted in the eREB system?

*Auto-submit not working as expected for GRAs – click here for details.  
As of March 03, 2020 new forms have been published enabling the auto submission action. Once all signatures have been obtained, the application form/sub-form will automatically be submitted to HiREB.

Signatures for persons that have access to personal health information are no longer required ?

As of March 03, 2020 the LPI no longer has to obtain signatures on the Retrospective Review of Medical Charts& Health Data application, Prospective Database Research application or the Human Tissue Research application. With the exception of the LPI you will need to have on file a completed Confidentiality Agreement form for each person who will be reviewing/abstracting medical records/charts/health data or who will have access to the identifiable data. The Confidentiality Agreement form is available on our website under the eREB tab.

Can another individual sign the form if the LPI is away?

In general, exceptions may be made for LPIs who are on sick leave or deceased, but otherwise it is expected that the LPI would be able to sign the amendment form/approve the changes prior to submission.
If the LPI is on maternity leave, an amendment must be submitted to temporarily change the LPI.  The ICF must be updated as well so the participants can contact the new LPI in the meantime.  An amendment is to be submitted to change the LPI back once maternity leave has ended. For question please contact the eREB Helpdesk at 905 521-2100 ext 70014 or

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Disclaimer: The Hamilton Integrated Research Ethics Board (HiREB) represents the institutions of Hamilton Health Sciences, St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, Research St. Joseph's-Hamilton, and the Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster University and operates in compliance with and is constituted in accordance with the requirements of: The Tri-Council Policy Statement on Ethical Conduct of Research Involving Humans; The International Conference on Harmonization of Good Clinical Practices; Part C Division 5 of the Food and Drug Regulations of Health Canada,  and the provisions of the Ontario Personal Health Information Protection Act 2004 and its applicable Regulations; For studies conducted at St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton, HiREB complies with the Health Ethics Guide of the Catholic Alliance of Canada